Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Definitions of Social Practice

These are our initial provisional definitions of social practice - we will all be adding to them and editing them in our minds throughout the term. One of the great things about attempting to make definitions is how many issues and questions they bring to the surface for us to think about. Let's all add our definitions below as comments!!! (Thanks Eric for getting us organized to do it this way.)

Examples of Personal/Question Inventories

Paul Ramirez Jonas Key's to the City project

Paul Ramirez Jonas' Questions 

(Ariana's response to PRJ's questions)

Paul Thek Teaching Notes

Gregg Bordowitz's Volition Questions

Allen Ruppersberg's Fifty Helpful Hints on the Art of the Everyday

Readings for Week 2

We will be reading the 1st chapter of Art As Experience, called The Live Creature. Book published in 1934

We are reading the essay called Art Which Can't be Art, written in 1986. Book published in 1993

We will be reading the first section of the book, called Definitions. Book published in 2013
Some questions to consider while reading:

What are some of the similar ideas expressed across these three texts?

How do these essays position everyday life experiences in relation to art?

Do you get a sense of what is motivating these authors to write what they have here? Who or what are they responding to/writing for?

What importance does art have according to these authors? 

Submit your Questions and Quotes as a comment on this post.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Class Group Agreements

  • be on time
  • be supportive of each other
  • speak from your own experience
  • challenge yourself
  • move up, move back
  • feel free to be open and to make mistakes
  • listen actively - hear out the person who is speaking
  • when you hear something you might initially reject let that be a signal to be curious
  • remember to give a moment of silence after people speak  
  • take time to self reflect and assess
  • raise a hand to get into the conversation - keep stack of people who have raised their hand
  • sometimes slow down the conversation to make space for other voices
  • voice conflict with care, check in with each other if things feel tense  
  • notice your own discomfort, take care of yourself and respect your own and each others boundaries
  • invest yourself in the content and the community of our class - cuz we are better together
  • help facilitate virtual participation
  • have fun
  • 😏💭⚡️

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Quotes for beginning to think together about the histories of social practice art

Tania Bruguera, Tatlin's Whisper #6 (Havana version) 2009
Art is useful. Through art we can start building a world that works differently. -Tania Bruguera

Art no longer wants to respond to the excess of commodities & signs, but to a lack of connections. -Jacques Ranciere

How do you take pictures of somebody in a way that brings them to the table instead of putting them on the menu? -Sharita Towne 
Sharita Towne, Our City in Stereo, 2016

The line between art and life should be kept as fluid, and perhaps indistinct, as possible. -Allan Kaprow
Allan Kaprow, How to make a happening, LP, 1968 -link to tracks

The gradual push toward art as process and the abandonment of the art object —or the use of the art object merely as a reference, but no longer the final product of the art experience— has also eroded the boundary of art and the world. By and far the desire of the new generations of artists who try to break new ground is by reintegrating art practice into the world.
-Pablo Helguera

Art has become a metadiscipline —that is, that it modifies other disciplines by bringing their activity into a territory of experience, ambiguity, contradiction and criticality. Art making becomes a vehicle of producing knowledge in relation with other disciplines, and while it can continue to be a vehicle in it of itself, it can also function as a vehicle to advance the discourse of other areas of knowledge and human activity. -Pablo Helguera

Theory on a good day is meant to build things up, theory on a bad day is just bullying people. -Nato Thompson

There is a need for an understanding of art that goes not only beyond pleasant aesthetics, but beyond even typical ideas of creativity and imagination, directly engaging with the institutions of civil society. - Darren O’Donnell

How is culture made and who is it made for?
Even though it is easy and fun, we are sick of being the audience. We want to do something. We want to create our culture, instead of just buying it. -  Group Material
Group Material, Da Zi Baos, 1982
Every human being is an artist, a freedom being, called to participate in transforming and reshaping the conditions, thinking and structures that shape and inform our lives. - Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuy, 7000 Oaks, 1982

Even the act of peeling a potato can be an artistic act if it is consciously done.
- Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys, Organization for Direct Democracy, 1972

The art worlder says, Oh yes, you’ll gain by calling it an art practice. Because you gain all of this conversational stuff by putting it into that category. Whereas the person engaging in the activity says, Yeah, but I’m not interested in all that stuff.
 -Stephen Wright

One reason for making and exhibiting a work is to induce a reaction or change in the viewer.... In this sense, the work as such is nonexistent except when it functions as a medium of change between the artist and viewer. -Adrian Piper
Adrian Piper, Self-Portrait as Nice White Lady, 1995
The binary of active/passive always ends up dividing a population into those with capacity on one side, and those with incapacity on the other. -Claire Bishop

Societies change and the arts can be a powerful way of expressing the changes. However, the arts are essential for helping individuals find their place within society and for shaping a collective cultural identity. - REPOhistory
REPOhistory, Civil Disturbances, 1998
We’ve already seen that there is nothing more important than working with our mistakes, and there is nothing worse than continually holding back from making mistakes, and always saying: Right, first I’ll do this, and then later, once I know everything, I’ll do that. In fact I’ll never know anything if I do that. I have to enter into things, jump in feet first. You only learn to swim in water. Get in, then you learn this. In making mistakes, the mistake leads you to a way of correcting it. The fact is through work itself, in the process of making mistakes, in failures, one can change the failure into something better.  - Joseph Beuys

True participation is open. We will never be able to know what we give the spectator/author. -Lygia Clark